Lowry school re-zoning hearing set for Nov. 22

North Tonawanda’s city council agreed at Tuesday’s workshop session to hold a public hearing 6:30 p.m. Nov. 22 regarding the rezoning of the former Lowry Middle School to turn it into 80 senior apartments.
City Clerk Dan Quinn said the hearing was only for the school itself and not the fields behind it.
“This group has to come before the planning board to get their site plan approval,” Quinn said.
The property is being proposed to change from the single-family R12 to R2, which includes a wide-range of permitted uses. Only the council can approve a re-zoning, Quinn said.
Quinn asked the council if they wanted to have the building inspector, Cosimo Capozzi, at the Nov. 14 meeting and hear his thoughts on the project.
Budget adoption was also scheduled for the Nov. 14 meeting.
The City’s 2018 budget will be available in the clerk’s office Oct. 18. “It will be available to visually look at,” Quinn said. “No pictures, no photocopies,” he said.
A public hearing on the budget will take place Nov. 8th.
In other discussion, the council agreed to pay for about $150 in expenses for part-time Dog Control officer Christine Hutton to attend an out-of-town seminar Oc.t 20 on dealing with aggressive dogs.
A city vehicle might be provided for her transportation to the training. Hutton is the only animal control officer employed by the city. When she takes off, the police handle coverage for stray dogs.
An idea to honor Elmer “The Garlic Man” Moje by naming one of the pavilions after him at the city market was discussed as well.
Moje, who recently passed away, spent 95 of his 104 years going to the city market, first as a child, then selling honey and finally garlic.
His granddaughter still sells garlic at the market. The idea for naming one of the pavilions after Moje came from appointed councilman Mark Berube, who knew the Moje family while growing up.
Council president Eric Zadzilka spoke about the Botanical Gardens on Sweeney and expressed gratitude for the recent efforts to continue to improve the 3rd Ward destination.
He said some volunteers work at the site on an almost daily basis.
Mayor Art Pappas said the bandshell at Veterans’ Park is almost constructed and will be ready for use during the spring.
Patchwork on the DMV’s parking lot was expected to start Wednesday.